Cyber security threats

With the rapid development of technologies the use of internet has been increased and become more important thing to get connected with business. Because of these new technologies another door was opened for cyber crimes. The need of cyber security became essential. Cyber security is defined as the protection of systems, networks and data in cyberspace.
Every minute, about half a million attack attempts happening in cyberspace. Headless worms, machine to machine attacks, jailbreaking, ghostware and two faced malware are the new threats causing damage for the cyber security.

What is a computer worm?

A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.

Headless worm is also a computer worm that floats through millions and millions of computers. Headless worm is a great threat to headless devices such as smartwatches, smartphones and medical hardware as it travels from device to device in the forms of suspicious codes and can manifest it selves in those devices.

A jailbreak involves removing restrictions of some kind in the software on a device. Jailbreaking the cloud has become a real threat in nowadays. Since most of the apps and software rely on the cloud -based systems, there are malware which are specifically built to crack these systems. Both private and hybrid clouds make these kind of attacks even more fruitful for cyber criminals.

Ghostware is also a cyber threat which helps hackers to conceal indicators of compromise. It makes extremely difficult for companies to track exactly how much data has been compromises and hinder the ability of law enforcement to prosecute cyber criminals.

Two-faced malware  is a malevolent software which is created by hackers , that seems benign under surveillance, but morphs into malicious code once it’s no longer under suspicion.

Because of these cyber security threats, many corporations now test new software in a safe environment called a sand box, before running it on their network. A sand box is designed to do deeper inspection to catch some of these different ways that they’re trying to change their behaviors. Also companies should definitely enforce more security policies to protect their software.
